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<rfc xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" ipr="trust200902" docName="draft
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<front> <front>
<title>The Deprecation HTTP Header Field</title> <title>The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field</title>
<seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-httpapi-deprecation-head <seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9745"/>
<author initials="S." surname="Dalal" fullname="Sanjay Dalal"> <author initials="S." surname="Dalal" fullname="Sanjay Dalal">
<address> <address>
<email>sanjay.dalal@cal.berkeley.edu</email> <email>sanjay.dalal@cal.berkeley.edu</email>
<uri>https://github.com/sdatspun2</uri> <uri>https://github.com/sdatspun2</uri>
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<author initials="E." surname="Wilde" fullname="Erik Wilde"> <author initials="E." surname="Wilde" fullname="Erik Wilde">
<address> <address>
<email>erik.wilde@dret.net</email> <email>erik.wilde@dret.net</email>
<uri>http://dret.net/netdret</uri> <uri>http://dret.net/netdret</uri>
</address> </address>
</author> </author>
<date year="2024" month="October" day="09"/> <date year="2025" month="March"/>
<area>Web and Internet Transport</area> <area>WIT</area>
<workgroup>HTTPAPI</workgroup> <workgroup>httpapi</workgroup>
<keyword>HTTP, deprecation</keyword> <keyword>HTTP</keyword>
<abstract> <keyword>deprecation</keyword>
<?line 44?>
<t>The Deprecation HTTP response header field is used to signal to consumers of <abstract><t>The Deprecation HTTP response header field is used to signal
a resource (in the sense of URI) that the resource will be or has been deprecate to consumers of a resource (in the sense of URI) that the resource will be
d. Additionally, the deprecation link relation can be used to link to a resource or has been deprecated. Additionally, the <tt>deprecation</tt> link relation
that provides additional information about planned or existing deprecation, and can be
possibly ways in which client application developers can best manage deprecatio used to link to a resource that provides further information about planned
n.</t> or existing deprecation. It may also provide ways in which client
application developers can best manage deprecation.</t>
</abstract> </abstract>
<note removeInRFC="true">
<name>About This Document</name>
Status information for this document may be found at <eref target="https
Discussion of this document takes place on the
HTTPAPI Working Group mailing list (<eref target="mailto:httpapi@ietf.or
which is archived at <eref target="https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/bro
Subscribe at <eref target="https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/httpapi
Working Group information can be found at <eref target="https://ietf-wg-
<t>Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at
<eref target="https://github.com/ietf-wg-httpapi/deprecation-header"/>.<
</front> </front>
<middle> <middle>
<?line 49?>
<section anchor="introduction"> <section anchor="introduction">
<name>Introduction</name> <name>Introduction</name>
<t>Deprecation of an HTTP resource (<xref section="3.1" sectionFormat="of"
target="HTTP"/>) communicates information about the lifecycle of a resource. It <t>Deprecation of an HTTP resource (<xref section="3.1" sectionFormat="of"
encourages client applications to migrate away from the resource, discourages a target="RFC9110"/>) communicates information about the lifecycle of a resource.
pplications from forming new dependencies on the resource, and informs applicati It encourages client applications to migrate away from the resource, discourage
ons about the risk of continued dependence upon the resource.</t> s applications from forming new dependencies on the resource, and informs applic
<t>The act of deprecation does not change any behavior of the resource. It ations about the risk of continued dependence upon the resource.</t>
informs client applications of the fact that a resource will be or is deprecate <t>The act of deprecation does not change any behavior of the resource. It
d. The Deprecation HTTP response header field can be used to convey this informa informs client applications of the fact that a resource will be or has been dep
tion at runtime indicating when the deprecation will be in effect.</t> recated. The Deprecation HTTP response header field can be used to convey this i
<t>In addition to the Deprecation header field, the resource provider can nformation at runtime and indicate when the deprecation will be in effect.</t>
use other header fields such as Link (<xref target="LINK"/>) to convey additiona <t>In addition to the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field, the resource prov
l information related to deprecation. This can be information such as where to f ider can use other header fields such as the <tt>Link</tt> header field <xref ta
ind documentation related to the deprecation, what can be used as a replacement, rget="RFC8288"/> to convey additional information related to deprecation. This c
and when a deprecated resource becomes non-operational.</t> an be information such as where to find documentation related to the deprecation
<section anchor="notational-conventions"> , what can be used as a replacement, and when a deprecated resource becomes non-
<section anchor="requirements-language">
<name>Notational Conventions</name> <name>Notational Conventions</name>
<t>The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp
14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL
NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>", "<bcp14>RECO
MMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
"<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to be i
nterpreted as
described in BCP 14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref target="RFC8174"/> when, and
only when, they
appear in all capitals, as shown here.</t>
<?line -18?>
<t>This document uses "Structured Field Values for HTTP" (<xref target="STRUCTUR <t>
ED-FIELDS"/>) to specify syntax and parsing of date values.</t> The key words "<bcp14>MUST</bcp14>", "<bcp14>MUST NOT</bcp14>",
<t>The term "resource" is to be interpreted as defined in <xref section= "<bcp14>REQUIRED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHALL NOT</bcp14>
"3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="HTTP"/>.</t> ",
"<bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>", "<bcp14>SHOULD NOT</bcp14>",
"<bcp14>RECOMMENDED</bcp14>", "<bcp14>NOT RECOMMENDED</bcp14>",
"<bcp14>MAY</bcp14>", and "<bcp14>OPTIONAL</bcp14>" in this document are to
interpreted as described in BCP&nbsp;14 <xref target="RFC2119"/> <xref
target="RFC8174"/> when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as
shown here.
<t>This document uses "<xref target="RFC9651" format="title"/>" <xref
target="RFC9651"/> to specify syntax and parsing of date values.</t>
<t>The term "resource" is to be interpreted as defined in <xref
section="3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9110"/>.</t>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="the-deprecation-http-response-header-field"> <section anchor="the-deprecation-http-response-header-field">
<name>The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field</name> <name>The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field</name>
<t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> HTTP response header field allows a server to communicate to a client application that the resource in context of the message is or will be deprecated.</t> <t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> HTTP response header field allows a server to communicate to a client application that the resource in the context of the mess age will be or has been deprecated.</t>
<section anchor="syntax"> <section anchor="syntax">
<name>Syntax</name> <name>Syntax</name>
<t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> response header field describes the deprecat <t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> HTTP response header field describes the dep
ion of the resource identified with the response it occurred within (see <xref s recation of the resource identified with the response it occurred within (see <x
ection="6.4.2" sectionFormat="of" target="HTTP"/>). It conveys the deprecation d ref section="6.4.2" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9110"/>). It conveys the depre
ate, which may be in the future (the resource context will be deprecated at that cation date, which may be in the future (the resource in context will be depreca
date) or in the past (the resource context has been deprecated at that date).</ ted at that date) or in the past (the resource in context was deprecated at that
t> date).</t>
<t><tt>Deprecation</tt> is an Item Structured Header Field; its value <b
cp14>MUST</bcp14> be a Date as per <xref section="3.3.7" sectionFormat="of" targ <t><tt>Deprecation</tt> is an Item Structured Header Field; its value <b
et="STRUCTURED-FIELDS"/>.</t> cp14>MUST</bcp14> be a Date as per <xref section="3.3.7" sectionFormat="of" targ
<t>The following example shows that the resource context has been deprec et="RFC9651"/>.</t>
ated on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC:</t> <t>The following example shows that the resource in context was deprecat
ed on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC:</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <artwork><![CDATA[
Deprecation: @1688169599 Deprecation: @1688169599
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="scope"> <section anchor="scope">
<name>Scope</name> <name>Scope</name>
<t>The Deprecation header field applies to the resource identified with <t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field applies to the resource identif
the response it occurred within (see <xref section="6.4.2" sectionFormat="of" ta ied with the response it occurred within (see <xref section="6.4.2" sectionForma
rget="HTTP"/>), meaning that it announces the upcoming deprecation of that speci t="of" target="RFC9110"/>), meaning that it announces the upcoming deprecation o
fic resource. However, there may be scenarios where the scope of the announced d f that specific resource. However, there may be scenarios where the scope of the
eprecation is larger than just the single resource where it appears.</t> announced deprecation is larger than just the single resource where it appears.
<t>Resources are free to define such an increased scope, and usually thi </t>
s scope will be documented by the resource so that consumers of the resource kno <t>Resources are free to define such an increased scope, and usually thi
w about the increased scope and can behave accordingly. When doing so, it is imp s scope will be documented by the resource so that consumers of the resource kno
ortant to take into account that such increased scoping is invisible for consume w about the increased scope and can behave accordingly. When doing so, it is imp
rs who are unaware of the increased scoping rules. This means that these consume ortant to take into account that such increased scoping is invisible for consume
rs will not be aware of the increased scope, and they will not interpret depreca rs who are unaware of the increased scoping rules. This means that these consume
tion information different from its standard meaning (i.e., it applies to the re rs will not be aware of the increased scope, and they will not interpret depreca
source only).</t> tion-related information differently from its standard meaning (i.e., it applies
<t>Using such an increased scope still may make sense, as deprecation in to the resource only).</t>
formation is only a hint anyway. It is optional information that cannot be depen
ded on, and client applications should always be implemented in ways that allow <t>Using such an increased scope still may make sense, as deprecation-rel
them to function without Deprecation information. Increased scope information ma ated information is only a hint anyway. It is optional information that cannot b
y help client application developers to glean additional hints from related reso e depended on, and client applications should always be implemented in ways that
urces and, thus, might allow them to implement behavior that allows them to make allow them to function without deprecation-related information. Increased scope
educated guesses about resources becoming deprecated.</t> information may help client application developers to glean additional hints fr
<t>For example, an API might not use Deprecation header fields on all of om related resources and thus might allow them to implement behavior that enable
its resources, but only on designated resources such as the API's home document s them to make educated guesses about resources becoming deprecated.</t>
. This means that deprecation information is available, but in order to get it, <t>For example, an API might not use <tt>Deprecation</tt> header fields
client application developers have to periodically inspect the home document. In on all of its resources but only on designated resources such as the API's home
this example, the extended context of the Deprecation header field would be all document. This means that deprecation-related information is available, but in o
resources provided by the API, while the visibility of the information would on rder to get it, client application developers have to periodically inspect the h
ly be on the home document.</t> ome document. In this example, the extended context of the <tt>Deprecation</tt>
header field would be all resources provided by the API, while the visibility of
the information would only be on the home document.</t>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="the-deprecation-link-relation-type"> <section anchor="the-deprecation-link-relation-type">
<name>The Deprecation Link Relation Type</name> <name>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> Link Relation Type</name>
<t>In addition to the Deprecation HTTP header field, the server can use li <t>In addition to the Deprecation HTTP response header field, the server c
nks with the "deprecation" link relation type to communicate to the client appli an use links with the <tt>deprecation</tt> link relation type to communicate to
cation developer where to find more information about deprecation of the context the client application developer where to find more information about deprecatio
. This can happen before the actual deprecation, to make a deprecation policy di n of the context. This can happen before the actual deprecation to make a deprec
scoverable, or after deprecation, when there may be documentation about the depr ation policy discoverable or after deprecation when there may be documentation a
ecation, and possibly documentation of how to manage it.</t> bout the deprecation and how to manage it.</t>
<t>This specification places no restrictions on the representation of the <t>This specification places no restrictions on the representation of the
linked deprecation policy. In particular, the deprecation policy may be availabl linked deprecation policy. In particular, the deprecation policy may be availabl
e as human-readable documentation or as machine-readable description.</t> e as human-readable documentation or as a machine-readable description.</t>
<section anchor="documentation"> <section anchor="documentation">
<name>Documentation</name> <name>Documentation</name>
<t>The purpose of the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field is to provide a hint about deprecation to the resource consumer. Upon reception of the <tt>Depre cation</tt> header field, the client application developer can look up the resou rce's documentation in order to find deprecation related information. The docume ntation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> provide a guide and timeline to migrate away from the deprecated resource to a new resource(s) replacing the deprecated resource, if applicable. The resource provider can provide a link to the resource documentati on using a <tt>Link</tt> header field with relation type <tt>deprecation</tt> as shown below:</t> <t>The purpose of the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field is to provide a hint about deprecation to the resource consumer. Upon reception of the <tt>Depre cation</tt> header field, the client application developer can look up the resou rce's documentation in order to find deprecation-related information. The docume ntation <bcp14>MAY</bcp14> provide a guide and timeline for migrating away from the deprecated resource to a new resource(s) that replaces the deprecated resour ce, if applicable. The resource provider can provide a link to the resource's do cumentation using a <tt>Link</tt> header field with the relation type <tt>deprec ation</tt> as shown below:</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <artwork><![CDATA[
Link: <https://developer.example.com/deprecation>; Link: <https://developer.example.com/deprecation>;
rel="deprecation"; type="text/html" rel="deprecation"; type="text/html"
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
<t>In this example the linked content provides additional information ab
out deprecation of the resource context. There is no Deprecation header field in <t>In this example, the linked content provides additional information about
the response, and thus the resource is not (yet) deprecated. However, the resou deprecation of the resource in context. There is no <tt>Deprecation</tt> header
rce already exposes a link where information is available describing how depreca field in
tion is managed for the resource. This may be the documentation explaining under the response; thus, the resource is not (yet) deprecated. However, the
which circumstances and with which policies deprecation might take place. For e resource already exposes a link where information describing how deprecation
xample, a policy may indicate that deprecation of a resource(s) will always be s is managed for the resource is available. This may be the documentation
ignaled in the dedicated places at least N days ahead of the planned deprecation explaining the circumstances in which deprecation might take place and the
date and then only the resource(s) would be deprecated. Or a policy may indicat deprecation policies. For example, a policy may indicate that deprecation of
e that resource(s) would be deprecated first and then only be signaled as deprec a resource(s) will always be signaled in the dedicated places at least N days
ated at dedicated places. The documentation in addition to the deprecation polic ahead of the planned deprecation date and then the resource(s) would be
y may also provide a migration guide exaplaining to consumers of the resource ho deprecated on the planned date. Or a policy may indicate that the resource(s)
w to migrate to a new resource(s) or an alternate resource(s) before the depreca would be deprecated first and then be signaled as deprecated at dedicated
tion date. Such policy and documentation would be very useful to consumers of th places. The documentation, in addition to the deprecation policy, may also
e resource to plan ahead and migrate successfully.</t> provide a migration guide explaining to consumers of the resource how to
<t>The following example uses the same link header field, but also annou migrate to a new or alternate resource(s) before the deprecation date. Such
nces a deprecation date using a Deprecation header field:</t> policy and documentation would be very useful to consumers of the resource to
plan ahead and migrate successfully.</t>
<t>The following example uses the same <tt>Link</tt> header field but al
so announces a deprecation date using a <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field:</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <artwork><![CDATA[
Deprecation: @1688169599 Deprecation: @1688169599
Link: <https://developer.example.com/deprecation>; Link: <https://developer.example.com/deprecation>;
rel="deprecation"; type="text/html" rel="deprecation"; type="text/html"
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
<t>Given that the deprecation date is in the past, the linked informatio n resource may have been updated to include information about the deprecation, a llowing consumers to discover information about the deprecation and how to best manage it.</t> <t>Given that the deprecation date is in the past, the linked informatio n resource may have been updated to include information about the deprecation, a llowing consumers to discover information about the deprecation and how to best manage it.</t>
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="sunset"> <section anchor="sunset">
<name>Sunset</name> <name>Sunset</name>
<t>In addition to the deprecation related information, if the resource pro <t>In addition to the deprecation-related information, if the resource pro
vider wants to convey to the client application that the deprecated resource is vider wants to convey to the client application that the deprecated resource is
expected to become unresponsive at a specific point in time, the Sunset HTTP hea expected to become unresponsive at a specific point in time, the <tt>Sunset</tt>
der field <xref target="RFC8594"/> can be used in addition to the <tt>Deprecatio HTTP header field <xref target="RFC8594"/> can be used in addition to the <tt>D
n</tt> header field.</t> eprecation</tt> header field.</t>
<t>The timestamp given in the <tt>Sunset</tt> header field <bcp14>MUST NOT <t>The timestamp given in the <tt>Sunset</tt> HTTP header field <bcp14>MUS
</bcp14> be earlier than the one given in the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field. T NOT</bcp14> be earlier than the one given in the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header f
If that happens for some reasons such as misconfiguration of deployment of the ield. If that happens (for example, due to misconfiguration of deployment of the
resource or an error, the client application developer <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> con resource or an error), the client application developer <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> c
sult the resource developer to get clarification.</t> onsult the resource developer to get clarification.</t>
<t>The following example shows that the resource in context has been depre <t>The following example shows that the resource in context was deprecated
cated since Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC and its sunset date is Sunday, on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC and its sunset date is Sunday, June 30
June 30, 2024 at 23:59:59 UTC. Please note that for historical reasons the Suns , 2024 at 23:59:59 UTC. Please note that for historical reasons the <tt>Sunset</
et HTTP header field uses a different data format for date.</t> tt> HTTP header field uses a different data format for date.</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <artwork><![CDATA[
Deprecation: @1688169599 Deprecation: @1688169599
Sunset: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 23:59:59 UTC Sunset: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 23:59:59 UTC
]]></artwork> ]]></artwork>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="resource-behavior"> <section anchor="resource-behavior">
<name>Resource Behavior</name> <name>Resource Behavior</name>
<t>The act of deprecation does not change any behavior of the resource. Th <t>The act of deprecation does not change any behavior of the resource.
e presence of a Deprecation header field in response is not meant to signal a ch The presence of a <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field in a response is not m
ange in the meaning or function of a resource in the context, allowing consumers eant to
to still use the resource in the same way as they did before the resource was d signal a change in the meaning or function of a resource in the context;
eclared deprecated.</t> consumers can still use the resource in the same way as they did before
the resource was declared deprecated.</t>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="iana-considerations"> <section anchor="iana-considerations">
<name>IANA Considerations</name> <name>IANA Considerations</name>
<section anchor="the-deprecation-http-response-header-field-1"> <section anchor="the-deprecation-http-response-header-field-1">
<name>The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field</name> <name>The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field</name>
<t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> response header field should be added to the <t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> HTTP response header field has been added to
"Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Field Name Registry" registry (<xref sectio the "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Field Name Registry" (<xref section="16
n="16.3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="HTTP"/>)</t> .3.1" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC9110"/>) as follows:</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <dl newline="false">
Header Field Name: Deprecation <dt>Field Name:</dt><dd>Deprecation</dd>
Structured Type: Item <dt>Structured Type:</dt><dd>Item</dd>
<dt>Reference:</dt> <dd>RFC 9745, <xref target="the-deprecation-http-re
Status: permanent sponse-header-field" format="default"/>: The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Fi
Specification document: this specification, </dl>
Section 2 "The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field"
</section> </section>
<section anchor="the-deprecation-link-relation-type-1"> <section anchor="the-deprecation-link-relation-type-1">
<name>The Deprecation Link Relation Type</name> <name>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> Link Relation Type</name>
<t>The <tt>deprecation</tt> link relation type should be added to the pe <t>The <tt>deprecation</tt> link relation type has been added to the "Li
rmanent registry of link relation types (<xref section="4.2" sectionFormat="of" nk Relation Types" registry (<xref section="4.2" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8
target="LINK"/>).</t> 288"/>) as follows:</t>
<artwork><![CDATA[ <dl newline="false">
Relation Name: deprecation <dt>Relation Name:</dt><dd>deprecation</dd>
<dt>Description:</dt><dd>Refers to documentation (intended for human co
Description: Refers to a resource that is documentation (intended for human cons nsumption) about the deprecation of the link's context.</dd>
umption) about the deprecation of the link's context. <dt>Reference:</dt><dd>RFC 9745, <xref target="the-deprecation-link-rel
ation-type" format="default"/></dd>
Specification document: this specification, </dl>
Section 3 "The Deprecation Link Relation Type"
</section> </section>
</section> </section>
<section anchor="security-considerations"> <section anchor="security-considerations">
<name>Security Considerations</name> <name>Security Considerations</name>
<t>The Deprecation header field should be treated as a hint, meaning that <t>The <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field should be treated as a hint, mean
the resource is indicating (and not guaranteeing with certainty) that it will be ing that the resource is indicating (but not guaranteeing with certainty) that i
or is deprecated. Deprecated resources function as they would have without send t will be or has been deprecated. Deprecated resources function as they would ha
ing the deprecation header field, even though one might consider non-functional ve without sending the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field, even though non-functi
details such as making them progressively less efficient with longer response ti onal details may be affected (e.g., they have less efficiency and longer respons
me for example.</t> e times).</t>
<t>Resource documentation should provide additional information about the <t>The resource's documentation should provide additional information abou
deprecation, such as including recommendation(s) for replacement. Developers of t the deprecation, such as recommendations for replacement. Developers of client
client applications consuming the resource <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> always check th applications consuming the resource <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14> always check the refe
e referred resource documentation to verify authenticity and accuracy. In cases rred resource's documentation to verify authenticity and accuracy. In cases wher
where a <tt>Link</tt> header field is used to provide documentation, one should e a <tt>Link</tt> header field is used to provide documentation, one should assu
assume (unless served over HTTPS) that the content of the <tt>Link</tt> header f me (unless served over HTTPS) that the content of the <tt>Link</tt> header field
ield may not be secure, private or integrity-guaranteed, and due caution should may not be secure, private, or integrity-guaranteed, so due caution should be e
be exercised when using it, see <xref section="5" sectionFormat="of" target="LIN xercised when using it (see <xref section="5" sectionFormat="of" target="RFC8288
K"/> for more details. In cases where the Deprecation header field value is in t "/> for more details). In cases where the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field valu
he past, the client application developers <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> no longer assume e is in the past, the client application developers <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> no longe
that the behavior of the resource would remain the same as before the deprecatio r assume that the behavior of the resource will remain the same as before the de
n date. In cases where the Deprecation header field value is a date in the futur precation date. In cases where the <tt>Deprecation</tt> header field value is a
e, it can lead to information that otherwise might not be available. Therefore, date in the future, it informs client application developers about the effective
client application developers consuming the resource <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>, if p date in the future for deprecation. Therefore, client application developers co
ossible, consult the resource developer to discuss potential impact due to depre nsuming the resource <bcp14>SHOULD</bcp14>, if possible, consult the resource de
cation and plan for possible transition to a recommended resource(s).</t> veloper to discuss potential impact due to deprecation and plan for possible tra
nsition to a recommended resource(s).</t>
</section> </section>
</middle> </middle>
<back> <back>
<references anchor="sec-normative-references"> <displayreference target="RFC9110" to="HTTP"/>
<name>Normative References</name> <displayreference target="RFC8288" to="LINK"/>
<reference anchor="HTTP">
<title>HTTP Semantics</title>
<author fullname="R. Fielding" initials="R." role="editor" surname="Fi
<author fullname="M. Nottingham" initials="M." role="editor" surname="
<author fullname="J. Reschke" initials="J." role="editor" surname="Res
<date month="June" year="2022"/>
<t>The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless application
-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypertext information systems. T
his document describes the overall architecture of HTTP, establishes common term
inology, and defines aspects of the protocol that are shared by all versions. In
this definition are core protocol elements, extensibility mechanisms, and the "
http" and "https" Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) schemes.</t>
<t>This document updates RFC 3864 and obsoletes RFCs 2818, 7231, 723
2, 7233, 7235, 7538, 7615, 7694, and portions of 7230.</t>
<seriesInfo name="STD" value="97"/>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="9110"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC9110"/>
<reference anchor="LINK">
<title>Web Linking</title>
<author fullname="M. Nottingham" initials="M." surname="Nottingham"/>
<date month="October" year="2017"/>
<t>This specification defines a model for the relationships between
resources on the Web ("links") and the type of those relationships ("link relati
on types").</t>
<t>It also defines the serialisation of such links in HTTP headers w
ith the Link header field.</t>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8288"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8288"/>
<reference anchor="STRUCTURED-FIELDS">
<title>Structured Field Values for HTTP</title>
<author fullname="Mark Nottingham" initials="M." surname="Nottingham">
<author fullname="Poul-Henning Kamp" initials="P." surname="Kamp">
<organization>The Varnish Cache Project</organization>
<date day="21" month="April" year="2024"/>
<t> This document describes a set of data types and associated alg
that are intended to make it easier and safer to define and handle
HTTP header and trailer fields, known as "Structured Fields",
"Structured Headers", or "Structured Trailers". It is intended for
use by specifications of new HTTP fields that wish to use a common
syntax that is more restrictive than traditional HTTP field values.
This document obsoletes RFC 8941.
</t> <references anchor="sec-normative-references">
</abstract> <name>Normative References</name>
</front> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.911
<seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft" value="draft-ietf-httpbis-sfbis-06"/> 0.xml"/>
</reference> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.828
<reference anchor="RFC2119"> 8.xml"/>
<front> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.965
<title>Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</title 1.xml"/>
> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.211
<author fullname="S. Bradner" initials="S." surname="Bradner"/> 9.xml"/>
<date month="March" year="1997"/> <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.817
<abstract> 4.xml"/>
<t>In many standards track documents several words are used to signi <xi:include href="https://bib.ietf.org/public/rfc/bibxml/reference.RFC.859
fy the requirements in the specification. These words are often capitalized. Thi 4.xml"/>
s document defines these words as they should be interpreted in IETF documents.
This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Comm
unity, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.</t>
<seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="2119"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC2119"/>
<reference anchor="RFC8174">
<title>Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words</titl
<author fullname="B. Leiba" initials="B." surname="Leiba"/>
<date month="May" year="2017"/>
<t>RFC 2119 specifies common key words that may be used in protocol
specifications. This document aims to reduce the ambiguity by clarifying that on
ly UPPERCASE usage of the key words have the defined special meanings.</t>
<seriesInfo name="BCP" value="14"/>
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8174"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8174"/>
<reference anchor="RFC8594">
<title>The Sunset HTTP Header Field</title>
<author fullname="E. Wilde" initials="E." surname="Wilde"/>
<date month="May" year="2019"/>
<t>This specification defines the Sunset HTTP response header field,
which indicates that a URI is likely to become unresponsive at a specified poin
t in the future. It also defines a sunset link relation type that allows linking
to resources providing information about an upcoming resource or service sunset
<seriesInfo name="RFC" value="8594"/>
<seriesInfo name="DOI" value="10.17487/RFC8594"/>
</references> </references>
<?line 192?>
<section anchor="implementation-status"> <section anchor="acknowledgments" numbered="false">
<name>Implementation Status</name>
<t>Note to RFC Editor: Please remove this section before publication.</t>
<t>This section records the status of known implementations of the protoco
l defined by this specification at the time of posting of this Internet-Draft. T
he description of implementations in this section is intended to assist the IETF
in its decision processes in progressing drafts to RFCs. Please note that the l
isting of any individual implementation here does not imply endorsement by the I
ETF. Furthermore, no effort has been spent to verify the information presented h
ere that was supplied by IETF contributors. This is not intended as, and must no
t be construed to be, a catalog of available implementations or their features.
Readers are advised to note that
other implementations may exist.</t>
<t>According to RFC 7942, "this will allow reviewers and working groups to
assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of running code, wh
ich may serve as evidence of valuable experimentation and feedback that have mad
e the implemented protocols more mature. It is up to the individual working grou
ps to use this information as they see fit".</t>
<section anchor="implementing-the-deprecation-header-field">
<name>Implementing the Deprecation Header Field</name>
<t>This is a list of implementations that implement the deprecation head
er field:</t>
<t>Organization: Apollo</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Deprecation header field is returned when deprecated
functionality (as declared in the GraphQL schema) is accessed</t>
<t>Reference: https://www.npmjs.com/package/apollo-server-tools</t>
<t>Organization: Zalando</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Deprecation header field is recommended as the prefe
rred way to communicate API deprecation in Zalando API designs.</t>
<t>Reference: https://opensource.zalando.com/restful-api-guidelines/
<t>Organization: Palantir Technologies</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Deprecation header field is incorporated in code gen
erated by conjure-java, a CLI to generate Java POJOs and interfaces from Conjure
API definitions</t>
<t>Reference: https://github.com/palantir/conjure-java</t>
<t>Organization: E-Voyageurs Technologies</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Deprecation header field is incorporated in Hesperid
es, a configuration management tool providing universal text file templating and
properties editing through a REST API or a webapp.</t>
<t>Reference: https://github.com/voyages-sncf-technologies/hesperide
<t>Organization: Open-Xchange</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Deprecation header field is used in Open-Xchange app
<t>Reference: https://github.com/open-xchange/appsuite-middleware</t
<t>Organization: MediaWiki</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Core REST API of MediaWiki would use Deprecation hea
der field for endpoints that have been deprecated because a new endpoint provide
s the same or better functionality.</t>
<t>Reference: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T232485</t>
<t>In addition to the above list, the Deprecation link relation is retur
ned in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) notices to indicate deprecat
ion of jCard in favor of JSContact. RDAP is specified in the Internet Draft for
Using JSContact in Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) JSON Responses https
<section anchor="implementing-the-concept">
<name>Implementing the Concept</name>
<t>This is a list of implementations that implement the general concept,
but do so using different mechanisms:</t>
<t>Organization: Zapier</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Zapier uses two custom HTTP header fields named <tt>
X-API-Deprecation-Date</tt> and <tt>X-API-Deprecation-Info</tt></t>
<t>Reference: https://zapier.com/engineering/api-geriatrics/</t>
<t>Organization: IBM</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: IBM uses a custom HTTP header field named <tt>Deprec
<t>Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS42VS_
<t>Organization: Ultipro</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Ultipro uses the HTTP <tt>Warning</tt> header field
as described in Section 5.5 of RFC 9111 with code <tt>299</tt></t>
<t>Reference: https://connect.ultipro.com/api-deprecation</t>
<t>Organization: Clearbit</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: Clearbit uses a custom HTTP header field named <tt>X
<t>Reference: https://blog.clearbit.com/dealing-with-deprecation/</t
<t>Organization: PayPal</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Description: PayPal uses a custom HTTP header field named <tt>Pay
<t>Reference: https://github.com/paypal/api-standards/blob/master/ap
<section anchor="changes">
<name>Changes from Draft-08</name>
<t>This revision has made the following changes:</t>
<ul spacing="normal">
<t>Addresses comments from Gen-ART, ARTART, SECDIR</t>
<section anchor="acknowledgments">
<name>Acknowledgments</name> <name>Acknowledgments</name>
<t>The authors would like to thank Nikhil Kolekar, Darrel Miller, Mark Not <t>The authors would like to thank <contact fullname="Nikhil Kolekar"/>,
tingham, and Roberto Polli for their contributions.</t> <contact fullname="Darrel Miller"/>, <contact fullname="Mark
Nottingham"/>, and <contact fullname="Roberto Polli"/> for their
<t>The authors take all responsibility for errors and omissions.</t> <t>The authors take all responsibility for errors and omissions.</t>
</section> </section>
</back> </back>
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