rfc9707v4.txt   rfc9707.txt 
Internet Architecture Board (IAB) M. Kühlewind Internet Architecture Board (IAB) M. Kühlewind
Request for Comments: 9707 Request for Comments: 9707
Category: Informational D. Dhody Category: Informational D. Dhody
ISSN: 2070-1721 ISSN: 2070-1721
M. Knodel M. Knodel
January 2025 February 2025
Report from the IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services Report from the IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services
Abstract Abstract
The "Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was The "Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was
convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17, convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17,
2024 as a three-day online meeting. Based on the submitted position 2024 as a three-day online meeting. Based on the submitted position
papers, the workshop covered three areas of interest: the role of papers, the workshop covered three areas of interest: the role of
skipping to change at line 425 skipping to change at line 425
All speakers called for more transparency by requiring blocking All speakers called for more transparency by requiring blocking
messages as well as publication and auditing of blocklists. messages as well as publication and auditing of blocklists.
Potentially, even standardization could help. Potentially, even standardization could help.
2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumventions and User Expectations 2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumventions and User Expectations
Further on in the session, the possibility and prevalence of using Further on in the session, the possibility and prevalence of using
VPNs for circumvention were discussed, including user expectations VPNs for circumvention were discussed, including user expectations
and an analysis of security shortcomings of commercial VPN services. and an analysis of security shortcomings of commercial VPN services.
The analysis presented in [RAMESH-1] has shown various problems that The analysis presented in [RAMESH-1] highlights various issues that
lead to data leaks, such as leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-browser lead to data leaks -- such as the leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-
traffic, or tunnel failure, not upholding user expectations, browser traffic, or failures in tunneling -- resulting in a failure
especially when used in authoritarian regimes for censorship to meet user expectations, particularly in scenarios involving
circumvention or private communication. censorship circumvention or private communication in authoritarian
The question of how common the use of VPNs for circumvention is and The question of how common the use of VPNs for circumvention is and
its legal implications, as VPNs are illegal in a few countries, was its legal implications, as VPNs are illegal in a few countries, was
discussed. For example, VPNs are not officially banned in India, but discussed. For example, VPNs are not officially banned in India, but
VPN providers need to store log data and those who haven't complied VPN providers need to store log data and those who haven't complied
stopped serving India. However, more data on VPN use and blocking stopped serving India. However, more data on VPN use and blocking
might be needed. might be needed.
2.3.3. Discussion 2.3.3. Discussion
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